Richard Lippincott

Genealogists believe Richard Lippincott was a direct descendant of Ruald of Lovecote, whose name appears in the 1086 Domesday Book of William the Conqueror.

Richard and his wife, Abigail, first came to America from Devonshire, England, around 1640. They settled near Dorchester, then part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. During the next decade, the Lippincotts were beginning to disenfranchise themselves from the Puritanical movement.

After he was excommunicated in 1651, the Lippincotts returned to England. During the next five years, as they grew to embrace Quaker ideals, Richard was imprisoned several times. Finally, in 1655, Richard returned to America. This time to Shrewsbury, the first English settlement in New Jersey, where he was the largest shareholder.

Work cited:
Lippincott Five Generations of the Descendants of Richard and Abigail Lippincott; Olsen, Judith M.; The Gloucester County Historical Society, Woodbury, New Jersey; copyright 1982.